Member of the House of Representatives, Katsunobu Kato, Discusses the Importance of
Katsunobu Kato addresses the issue of Japan's low birthrates and highlights the national policies aimed at overcoming these challenges.

Investing in people should not be seen as an expense but indeed an investment. We share this perspective and will actively advance our efforts.
Born in Tokyo in November of 1955, graduated from the University of Tokyo's Faculty of Economics. Joined the Ministry of Finance, served as Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Planning Officer in the Minister's Secretariat at the Ministry of Finance, and Secretary to House of Representatives Member Rokugatsu Kato. Also served as a Visiting Professor at Kawasaki University of Medical Welfare. Within the Liberal Democratic Party, held various positions including Chairman of the Health, Labour and Welfare Division, Special Advisor to the President and Director of the Press Bureau, and Chairman of the General Affairs Division. Additionally, served as a Director of the House of Representatives Committee on the Environment, Committee on Cabinet, and Committee on Health, Labour and Welfare. Held various government positions such as Minister of State (Promotion of Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens, Work Style Reform, Promotion of Women's Participation, Re-challenge, Abduction Issue, Strengthening of the National Resilience), Minister of State (Measures for Declining Birthrate, Gender Equality, Abduction Issue), Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Chief Cabinet Secretary and Minister of State (Reduction of the Okinawa Base Burden, Abduction Issue). Has been elected seven times (43rd, 44th, 45th, 46th, 47th, 48th, 49th term).